By default, all Interac Etransfer withdrawals are sent to the email address that is registered directly to your account. However, we understand that you may have a different email that could be set up already with your bank. If you are looking to change the email address that we send your Etransfer withdrawals to, please follow the following steps.
Send an email to [email protected] with the subject line CHANGE ETRANSFER, followed by your account ID. (e.g. "CHANGE ETRANSFER: 1A2B3C") Ensure this email is being sent from the email that is registered with your account.
Attach to this email an image of you holding both a Canadian Government photo ID with the details fully visible, along with a piece of paper that states your full name, "" Along with the email you are looking to swap to, and the current date.
A 1Bitcoin representative will reach out within 1-2 business days following your submission with either next steps or a confirmation of the successful change.